Sister Cities of the World

Sister cities of Dundas, Ontario

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Dundas /ˈdʌnˌdæs/ is a formerly independent town and now constituent community in the city of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada. It is nicknamed the Valley Town because of its topographical location at the bottom of the Niagara Escarpment on the Western edge of Lake Ontario. The population has been stable for decades at about twenty thousand, largely because it has not annexed rural land from the protected Dundas Valley Conservation Area.

Notable events are the Buskerfest in early June, and the Dundas Cactus Festival in August.

Content on this page is licensed under CC-BY-SA from the authors of the following Wikipedia pages: List of sister cities in Canada, Dundas, Ontario. Note that the data on Wikipedia is highly unreliable. In many cases, sister cities are missing or wrongly listed. Some cities also have different levels of partnership. If you find an error, please make a correction on the relevant Wikipedia pages and cite your sources.