Sister Cities of the World

Sister cities of Alba Iulia

Alba Iulia (Romanian pronunciation: [ˌalba ˈjuli.a]), (German: Karlsburg, Carlsburg or Weißenburg, Hungarian: Gyulafehérvár, Latin: Apulum in the Roman period, later Alba Iulia or Alba Yulia; Ottoman Turkish: Erdel Belgradı) is a city located on the Mureş River in Alba County, Transylvania, Romania, with a population of 58,681 as of 2011. Since the High Middle Ages, the city has been the seat of Transylvania's Roman Catholic diocese. Between 1541 and 1690 it was the capital of the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom and the latter Principality of Transylvania. Alba Iulia is historically important for Hungarians, Romanians and Transylvanian Saxons.

The city administers four villages: Bărăbanț (Borbánd), Micești (Ompolykisfalud), Oarda (Alsóváradja) and Pâclișa (Poklos).

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