Sister cities of Serang
Barrow, Alaska →
Cheyenne, Wyoming →
Serang municipality (Indonesian: Kota Serang) is the capital of Banten province and the administrative center of Serang Regency in Indonesia. The city is located towards the north of Banten province. The Jakarta-Merak tollway passes through the city of Serang.
Serang has a tropical rainforest climate, with no dry season month. It faces the Java Sea, which is home to Thousand Islands.
Serang was reported as having a population of 576,961 in the 2010 census. Serang is the third most populous city in the province of Banten. Serang is located approximately 15 km from the border of Jabodetabek and sometimes considered as amalgamated with the Greater Jakarta.
The road to the proposed Sunda Strait Bridge would start in Serang, pass through Merak in neighboring Cilegon city to cross over the Sunda Strait to Sumatra. Before Banten province was formed in 2000 Serang was part of West Java province.
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