Sister Cities of the World

Sister cities of Myōkō, Niigata

Myōkō (妙高市 Myōkō-shi) is a city in Niigata Prefecture, Japan, on the border of Nagano Prefecture. It lies in mountain surroundings near the historical entrance to the Echigo Plains.

As of February 1, 2012, the city has an estimated population of 35,835, with 12,286 households and a population density of 80.43 persons per km². The total area is 445.52 km².

Myōkō is the result of a merger of three municipalities. The major one was the city of Arai (新井市 Arai-shi). Arai absorbed the town of Myōkōkōgen, and the village of Myōkō (both from Nakakubiki District), and took the name Myōkō on April 1, 2005. Its name comes from the mountain which dominates the area. Mount Myōkō is listed as one of the hundred most famous mountains in Japan with its summit recorded as 2,454 metres (8,051 feet) above sea level.

The former city of Arai was founded on November 1, 1954. The current mayor is Akira Nyumura, who elected by November 2006, and the former Arai mayor was elected in November 2002.

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